Well, sorry it has been so long since I blogged. I warned you all upfront that this may be an issue. Things have been crazy and busy here in Arkansas. Ella keeps us running most days, which is a problem since she is not walking yet and only crawling, I can only imagine what is going to happen when she starts walking and/or running...lets hope that takes at least a few more months! She actually said her first recognizable word the other day and her daddy was so excited that it was "da-da". Well, here is a run-down of our life for the last month and a half...
Both Kenneth and I celebrated birthdays in March, and mine was the big "30". My great friends here threw me a surprise party and we all had a wonderful time. My mom actually came down and watched Ella for the evening, so it was a fun night out with just the big people. We celebrated Kenneth's birthday a little more quietly with just a few friends and dinner, but we had a good time!
Our big purchase of the month was a new car. While I loved my little Honda Hybrid, and it got great gas milage, it was just too small, I mean, the only thing that fit in the trunk was Ella's stroller and basically the only thing that fit in the backseat was Ella. Which would be ok if you never went anywhere with anyone, but as those who know me know, I am always on the go. So, we purchased a 2009 Chevy Traverse. It seats 8, which I love...the seats fold flat, so there is a ton a cargo room, it gets fairly decent gas milage, at least for an SUV, and it is not a mini-van! We have only had it for less than a month, but we love it, and Ella loves that it sits up higher and she can see out of the back window.
Ella has been doing all kinds of new things the last few months. She is pulling up on everything and getting into everything. She is finally starting to really enjoy all of the toys that she has and loves to sit on the floor and play with all of them. As I mentioned before she is saying "da-da" all of the time, she makes the cutest kissing noises and is pretty much the happiest baby I know. She had her nine-month well baby visit a month early, since she is a little small and they have been watching her weight. So she went to the doctor on March 18, and she weighed a whooping 16 lbs, but the doctor was happy with that and just said to make sure she keeps getting enough to eat, and she does love to eat. Sometimes she doesn't want to finish her bottles, but she loves to eat her babyfood, except for peas and chicken, and how a child of mine cannot like chicken is beyond me, but she is going to starve when she gets older, because all I cook is chicken. She also love her little puff (kinda like cereal) and her little crunchies (kinda like Cheetos). We spent easter weekend in Texas and her Uncle Dude gave her all kinds of new things, such as bread, broccolli, yummy potatos, fruit snacks, popsicles, ice cream, and whipped cream, which she all seemed to enjoy. Every now and again I catch her daddy trying to give her coke...and she has quite the taste for that too!
Well, that is about all that is going on these days...except for the normal work, school, etc...I am posting this at work, so I don't have any pictures, but I promise that I will post a supplemental post later today with updated pictures from the last month and a half!